BPS Bangka Regency held a roll call on the morning of March 25 2024. This roll call activity was carried out offline in the field of the BPS Bangka Regency office. The officers on duty were Dian Ariewidayanti as supervisor, Suratno, Umi Syafiyah, Marko Januarta, Fetia Nursih Widiastuti, Akhmad Pasa, Sadespan, Santy Fajaria, and Darussalam.
At this rally, APEL supervisors delivered a message regarding the activities of the Nerwilis and Quality Assurance Team at BPS Bangka Regency. For Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) activities, in Bangka Regency itself the 2023 GRDP figures were released on February 28. BPS also plans to change the base year for calculating GRDP, which currently still uses 2010 as the base year. 2010 is considered too long ago to be used as a base year for calculations. In the future, the GRDP calculation will use the CVM method so that the base year GRDP calculation can change every year so that the GRDP figures will be more accurate. Then the Quarterly GRDP is still being reconciled, it is hoped that it will be released at the end of the year. The next activity is Quality Assurance where there will be 25 activities that use the Quality Gates quality assurance method.